
søndag 28. oktober 2012


I desse skumle tider passar det vel bra med monstermuffins?…




It's time to make monster cupcakes again!

mandag 15. oktober 2012



Haustferien kom og gjekk. Vi hadde nokre nydelege dagar.

Deilig med sol og mykje hekletid…

Halfterm came and went by so quickly. We had some lovely days. Nice to have sun and lots of crochet time…


Nysnø på fjella er vakkert. Og snøen smelta vekk i løpet av dagen.

New snow on the mountains is beautiful. Th snow melted away during the day, this time.


Men vinteren nærmar seg…

But winter is coming…

Chevron pillow

The pattern is for a pillowcase to match a 40 x 40 cm insert pillow.
Yarn: I have used sport/dk weight yarn
Hook: 4 mm
Gauge: ca 16 dc = 10 cm
In the pillow above I have used 3 colours: Aqua (A), white (B) and peachy orange (C). The colour sequence is: Two rows A, two rows B, two rows C and two rows B.
The grey pillow under has two colours in this sequence: Four rows grey and two rows white.

dc2tog (decreasing stitch): Yarn over, insert hook into st and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through 2 loops. Yarn over, skip 3 st, insert hook into next st and draw up a loop. Yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over and draw through all loops on hook.
With colour A ch 107.
Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next 6 ch, dc2tog, dc in next 8 ch, *ch 3, dc in next 8 ch, dc2tog, dc in next 8 ch; rep from * 3 times.
Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 4 dc, dc2tog, *dc in next 6 dc, (2 dc, 3 ch, 2 dc) in 3 ch space, dc in next 6 dc, dc2tog; rep from * 3 times, dc in next 4dc, two dc in each of the last 2 dc.
Repeat row 2, changing colours as you want (or as the pattern above).
For this pillow I crocheted 60 rows. (The number of rows depends on how much you would like it to overlap on the back.)
In this pillow I made an overlap of 5 rows.
Sew the side seams. I sew it with the inside out using whip stitch.
Turn the right side out and sew on some buttons. You use the holes in the chevron tops as button holes.
Insert a pillow, and Ta-dah!!! You're done!


I hope I have written this pattern right. Please let me know if you find any mistakes Smilefjes

Norsk versjon kjem snart…

tirsdag 2. oktober 2012



Eg har nye bobleprosjekt på heklekrokane for tida. Dette skal bli ei pute.


Men så fekk eg ein fiks idé, og plutseleg vart det fleire, mindre boblesaker.


Og kva brukar vi så desse til? Mobilen, så klart…



Desse to er prøvemodellar. No har eg funne ut korleis eg skal gjere det, så då skal eg nok hekle opp ei del fleire til julemesse-sesongen. Håpar berre skuldra held – har visst fått meg ei lita "idrettsskade"…


It's so fun to crochet bobbles. I have several new projects on the hooks now. The top photo will become a pillow.

And I've have figured out how to make phone pockets too. I will make more of them for Christmas.

mandag 1. oktober 2012

Loppemarknad igjen!

Det andre og siste rundt her, trur eg. Mange fine lopper var det der, eg prøvde å halde meg litt i skinnet…

Men noko blei med heim, sjølvsagt :)

Another fleamarket this weekend. A few things came home with me…


Denne lampen vert fin med ny skjerm. Eg treng litt meir lys i stova.

This lamp will look good in my living room. With a new shade of course.


Denne avis"korga" passar fint saman med resten av teakmøblane mine.

This newspaper stand matches my other teak furniture.


Og denne LP-plata følgde med stativet!


Og sjølvsagt må ein ha salatbestikk som også passar inn i teak-temaet…

And these will also fit the teak theme…


Og til slutt ei sildkrukke frå Figgjo. Det var ein god dag.

And I was happy to find this Figgjo jar.

It was a good fleamarket day!