
mandag 22. april 2013

Flowers in the snow – pattern in English

This is the same pattern as you find here. I've just done a bit of sorting and made an all English version for you. (Have been meaning to do that for a while…)


Facts about my blanket:

12 x 16 = 192 squares

Number of colours: not known…

Yarn: The colours are mostly Sandnes Smart and Dale Falk + leftovers from my stash. The white yarn in Vestlandsgarn from Gjesdal.

Hook : 4 mm

The blanket weighs 1250 grams.
It measures ca 110 X 150 cm.


Please let me know if something is difficult to understand.

I’m using US crochet terminology.

ch = chain, st = stitch, ss = slip stitch, dc = double crochet, tr = treble crochet

(Follow the link to pages explaining the stitches.)



Start: make 5 ch, join with ss into a ring.


Round 1: 4ch (=1dc,1ch), 1dc + 1ch 11 times. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 dc.



Round 2: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 1dc, 1ch, *2dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 2 dc.



Round 3: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 2dc in ch space, 1ch, *3dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 3 dc.


Round 4: Start in one of the ch spaces. 4ch (= 1 tr), 1tr, 3ch, 2tr, (=1st corner),



*1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2tr, 3ch, 2tr) (=2nd corner)**,


repeat * to ** 2 times, 1ch, (2dc, 1ch, 2dc) inthe next two ch spaces, 1ch. Join with ss to 4th ch.


I like the assemblyline method so I prefer to make a lot of circles before I start the 4th round.

Join as you go method:

I like to join the squares in the last round, like I show here.

(Moonstitches have a great tutorial for joining hexagons. It’s mostly the same.)

The squares are joined together in the corners and at two places on the sides.


Start by crocheting the fourth round on one of your circles. The joining starts with your second square:

Start in a corner. Crochet 4 ch (count as a tr) 1tr, 1ch, next ch through the corner of the other square, 1ch, 2tr. (The first corner is done)



First side: 1ch, (2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch (2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch



Next corner (where you will join your square to the square to the right and the one above): 2tr, 1ch, 1ch through corner of square to the right, 1 ch through corner of the square above, 2 tr.


Do the next side as the first. In the next corner you crochet 1 ch through the corner of the square above. Finish the round as in pattern for the 4th round.




This is how I did the border:

One row of dc first. On dc in every dc and one dc in every ch space. 5 dc in the corners.

One row of sc in every dc of last round. Make one extra sc in the corners.

One row of loops: Start with one sc, chain 4, skip two sc on last round – all the way round.

Ravelry - "Flowers in the snow"

And, if you use this pattern, come and join the flickr group too

tirsdag 9. april 2013

Lady Bulle

I februar starta eg på eit strikkeprosjekt til meg sjølv. Har hatt mønsteret liggande ei stund, og fekk endeleg bestemt meg for farge og bestilt garn.

Lady Bulle er mønsteret og tunika skulle det bli.


Mønsteret er enkelt og ganske rett fram. Det vert strikka frå toppen og ned, så det eri grunnen berre å strikke i veg til tunikaen er passeleg.


Det tok om lag to månader. Tunikaen blei ferdig i tide til å bli brukt i påska.


Eg strikka om lag 3/4 lange ermer og etter litt bruk har eg funne ut at eg skal skal strikke dei litt lengre. Det burde vere enkelt å få til.

Noko av det artigste med mønsteret er lommene.

Eg har brukt 750 g Karisma.

(Mønsteret finst også i barnestr. – Bulle)


In February I started on a project for myself. I've had the pattern for a while and I finally got round to ordering the yarn.

The pattern is Lady Bulle. It's a lovely pattern, easy to knit and with nice pockets on the front.

It took me less than 2 months to get it finished, just in time for me to use it at Easter.

My project page.

søndag 7. april 2013


Eg skulle berre sjekke ut ein link på Pinterest. Sjølvsagt noko heklerelatert – ein ny metode for samanhekling såg fin ut.

Bloggen var på fransk… Sjølv om eg hadde fransk på gymnaset, så er det ei stund sidan, liksom…

Så eg takka ja til tilbodet frå google om å oversette for meg.

Det var lurt – hekleoppskrifta blei så mykje lettare å forstå då… (lett ironisk her)

Eg trur faktisk eg forstår meir med min begrensa gymnasfransk…





I tried to use Goole to translate this french crochet pattern, but I don't think Google knows the crochet language…

It was impossible to understand, even if the words were Norwegian.

So I must try to use the little French I know to read this pattern…

onsdag 3. april 2013


Eg hadde ein del mandlar liggande igjen etter jul. Så no i påska fann eg ut at dei måtte brukast. Og då kan ein vel prøve seg litt på franske makroner, tenkte eg…


Eg skålda ein del av mandlane – faktisk så mange at eg måtte lage fleire porsjonar med makroner.  Og då fekk eg prøvd meg på fleire variantar også. Ganske lurt…


Prøvde først ein sjokoladevariant med sjokoladeganashe-fyll. Oppskrifta fann eg i ei bok. Dei blei ikkje så fine å sjå til (sprakk på toppen), men smakte veldig godt.


Så laga eg ein pistasjvariant. Den oppskrifta fann eg her hos Heartshaped. 


Til slutt vart det bringebærmakroner også. Nokre fekk sjokoladefyll, og resten fekk bringebærkrem.

(Jammen bra med storfamiliepåske slik at eg fekk hjelp med å bli kvitt dei også…)




I made macarons last week. Quite fun, and they turned out nice – if I may say so myself Smilefjes

mandag 1. april 2013

Påska – Easter


Strikkande svigersystrer. Sister-in-laws knitting away in the sun.


Leikande søskenbarn. Cousins playing.



Leikne onklar. Playing with uncles.


Den beste utsikta. The best view.


Mating av sauane. Feeding the sheep.


Hakallegardsbesøk. Visiting the Hakalle farm.




Skitur (med rusk på linsa…) Skitrip (and there's something on the camera lens…)


Mat  Food

Good times!