
torsdag 19. juli 2012


More July photos:


7. Garden – My first strawberries.

8. lunch

8. Lunch


9. Big – My favourite mountain, to look at… I have no ambitions about climbing to the top of it… all though many people do.

10. favourite colour

10. Favourite colour

11. letter

11. Letter – My S wall

12. texture

12. Texture

13. open

13. Open

14. building

14. Building – Is relly possible to build something this ugly… This is the shopping centre, not a prison…

15. fingers

15. Finger

16. sign

16.  A sign – my road

17. my addiction

17. My addiction – pates and cups and…

18. plate

18. Plate(s)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Så mange inspirerande bilder Solveig!
    Ha ein fin sommar vidare!

  2. Strawberries in July? How different (and nicer) life is in your place!

  3. Oh Solveig, what a lovely post this is. It shows me what July looks like near you, and I see that even though we live so very far apart, our summer wishes might be similar. This is what makes blogging so wonderful.

    It is always delightful to visit here.



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