
mandag 17. november 2014


Eg tenkte å lage eit raskt lite teppe, og fann fram dette mønsteret igjen… Litt meir pastellfargar denne gongen, og litt mindre format.

Og denne gongen tenkte eg å prøve å hekle rutene saman. Det er kjekt å sleppe samansying om ein kan…

Eg trur eg har funne ein samanheklingsmetode som kan fungere. Likar i alle fall korleis det ser ut så langt. (Beklagar dei dårlege instagrambilda…)




I decided to try this pattern again. This time for a smaller blanket, a different lay out, and different colours.

And I would like to find a way to crochet the "diamonds" together. I think I have found a way that works, at least I like the look of it so far.

I'm allmost done now, I'll show you more later.

(Sorry for the bad Instagram photos used here…)

9 kommentarer:

  1. Hi, go to this website she shows how to crochet them together...

  2. Lovely! Like the colours you use :)

  3. Looks fabulous. Like the joining method. Please share when you're done... I'm curious to see how it will work out.
    Love the colors.
    My Rose Valley

  4. I like that way of joining the diamonds. Looking forward to see more of this!

  5. Bonjour,
    I like all you create with a crochet and yarn !
    Like you I have tryed other than sawing the triangles together because I do not like sawing.
    I love to crochet.
    I must find other ways...
    but then if there is a separation between the triangles in french LOSANGE ,
    then it gives an other perspective much different than what the painter who inspired us , wanted to give ius illusion of 3 dimensions.
    So I will follow your expéreince and try the same as you do .
    Thank you to you, sorry for my poorly my English, I speak French.

  6. Det set ut til å bli kjempefint med samanheklinga!

  7. Så fine farger du har valgt :D

  8. Det er virkelig flot! Hvad kaldes sammenhæklingen? Er det fastmasker i skiftevis den ene og den anden lap?
    Vh. Christina


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