Yarn: Sandnes, Tynn Merinoull – fingering / 4 ply
Needles: 2,5 & 3 mm
Bobble: Knit 5 st in one st, by knitting in front, back, front, back and front. Knit 5 rows stockinette. Decrease back to one st by lifting the second st over the first – then the third over, the fourth and the fifth. This video shows how to make a bobble.
Cast on 89 st on 2,5 mm needles. Row 1 (WS): p1, k1. Knit 6 more rows in rib pattern. Change to 3 mm needles. Knit 2 rows stockinette.
1st bobble row: k8, 1 bobble, * k7, 1 bobble *, repeat *-* 8 times, k8. (10 bobbles)
Knit 5 rows stockinette.
2nd bobble row: k4, 1 bobble, * k7, 1 bobble *, repeat *-* 9 times, k4. (11 bobbles)
Knit 5 rows stockinette.
Continue with this – bobble row 1, 5 rows stockinette, bobble row 2, 5 rows stockinette – until you have 10 rows of bobbles.
Knit 3 rows stockinette.

Crown decreasing:
Row 1: (rs) *k7, k2tog* 9 times, k8
Row 2 (and all ws rows): Purl all stitches
Row 3: *k6, k2tog* 10 times
Row 5: *k5, k2tog* 10 times
Row 7: *k4, k2tog* 10 times
Row 9: *k3, k2tog* 10 times
Row 11: *k2, k2tog* 10 times
Row 13: *k1, k2tog* 10 times
Row 15: *k2tog* 10 times
Cut the yarn with a long tail. Thread yarn through remaining 10 st, and draw up tightly. Sew crown seam together to beginning of crown decreasing.

Pick up 91 st along the sides.
Knit 3 rows rib, knit 1- purl 1.
Row 4, (eyelet row): k3, yo, * k2tog, k2, yo* 21 times, k3.
Knit 3 rows rib.
Cast off.
Weave inn all ends, and make an I-cord for ties.

This hat should fit for babies 9 – 12 months.
I first made a smaller hat. Started with 81 st (one less bobble on each bobble row) and I made 9 bobble rows before decreasing. The decreasing and neck was made the same way as above.

I hope you will try this pattern. Let me know if you have any questions.