ETA: You can find an all English version of the pattern here.
Her skal eg prøve å skrive ned ei oppskrift. Det finst sikkert mange forskjellige måtar å lage bestemorruter som dette, men her er min metode. Håper de gir beskjed dersom noko er vanskeleg å skjøne. (Heklespråket er lettare å lese enn å skrive ned… )
I will try to translate this to English. Please let me know if something is difficult to understand. I’m using US terminology.
(Follow the link to pages explaining the stitches.)
Start: Hekle 5 lm, samle til ein ring m 1 kjm i første lm.
Start: make 5 ch, join with ss into a ring.
1. runde: 4 lm (=1 st,1 lm), 1 st + 1 lm 11 g. Slutt m 1 kjm i 3. lm. Til saman 12 st.
1st round: 4ch (=1dc,1ch), 1dc + 1ch 11 times. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 dc.
2. runde: Start i ei av lm-buene. 3 lm (=1 stav), 1 st, 1 lm, *2 st, 1 lm* i resten av lm-buene. Slutt m 1 kjm i 3. lm. Til saman 12 grupper m 2 st.
2nd round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 1dc, 1ch, *2dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 2 dc.
3. runde: Start i ei av lm-buene. 3 lm (=1 st)+ 2 st i lmb, 1 lm, *3 st,1 lm* i resten av lm-buene. Slutt m 1 kjm i 3. lm. Til saman 12 grupper m 3 st.
3rd round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 2dc in ch space, 1ch, *3dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 3 dc.
4. runde: Start i ei lm-bue. 4 lm (=1 dst), 1 dst, 3 lm, 2 dst, (=1. hjørne), *1 lm, (2 st, 1 lm, 2 st) i neste lm-bue, 1 lm, (2 st, 1 lm, 2 st) i neste lm-bue, 1 lm, 2 dst, 3 lm, 2 dts, (=2. hjørne)**, gjenta * til ** 2 gonger, 1 lm, (2 st, 1 lm, 2 st) i dei neste to lm-buene, 1 lm, slutt med 1 kjm i 4. lm.
4th round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 4ch (= 1 tr), 1tr, 3ch, 2tr, (=1st corner), *1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2tr, 3ch, 2tr) (=2nd corner)**, repeat * to ** 2 times, 1ch, (2dc, 1ch, 2dc) inthe next two ch spaces, 1ch. Join with ss to 4th ch.
Eg likar samlebandsmetoden, så eg heklar opp ein haug med sirklar før eg tar siste runda.
I like the assemblyline method so I prefer to make a lot of circles before I start the 4th round.
Eg heklar firkantane saman på siste runda. Prøver å vise det her. Moonstitches har også ei veldig fin forklaring på denne metoden. (Ho heklar saman sekskantar, men prinsippet er det same).
I join the squares in the last round, like I show here. Moonstitches have a great tutorial for joining hexagons. It’s mostly the same. The squares are joined together in the corners and at two places on the sides.
Start i eit hjørne. Hekle 2 dst, 1. lm, 2. lm heklast gjennom hjørnebua på forrige firkant, hekle 3. lm vanleg.
Start in a corner. Crochet 2tr, 1ch,next ch through the corner of the other square, 1ch, 2tr. (The first corner is done)
På sidene heklast lm mellom st saman med forrige firkant.
Side: 1ch,(2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch (2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch
Neste hjørne: Hekle første lm, andre lm heklast saman med firkanten til høgre, tredje lm heklast saman med firkanten rett over (sjå på bildet),
Next corner (where you will join square to the square to the right and the one above): 2tr, 1ch, 1ch through corner of square to the right, 1 ch through corner of the square above, 2 tr.
På langsida heklast lm mellom stavane saman. I neste hjørne hekle 1 lm, 2. lm heklast gjennom hjørnet i ruta over (sjå bildet). Hekle resten som vanleg.
Do the next side as the first. In the next corner you crochet 1 ch through the corner of the square above. Finish the round as in pattern.
Var dette forståeleg? Håpar det :)
Hope you understand this:)
Edit: Details about my blanket and the border here.
Ravelry - "Flowers in the snow"

And, if you use this pattern, come and join the flickr group too!
Ravelry - "Flowers in the snow"

And, if you use this pattern, come and join the flickr group too!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for the tuto :-)
SvarSlettFin forklaring og nydelig teppe! En gang skal det nok bli et firkantet bestemorteppe på meg også, men det er vel lurt å få ferdig de to sekskantteppene jeg har begynt på først..
SvarSlettSuper forklaring! Du er gull!
SvarSlettKjempefin forklaring - likte særlig den sammenheklingen. Det ble så lett og luftig. Tror nesten jeg må prøve disse rutene en gang. Det blir et utrolig lekkert teppe.
SvarSlettFlott forklaring. Særlig det med sammenhekling på siste-runden har jeg sansen for. Slik har lett for å bli liggende...
SvarSlettGod helg!
Kjempefin forklaring! Og så fine ruter det ble, dette tror jeg at jeg vil prøve en gang. :)
SvarSlettThanks for the tutorial but I'm still looking forward to English version (pdf file would be great). As I'm beginner I need more than pictures.
SvarSlettI like the colour. They make me happy.
Beautiful... I love it!
SvarSlettKjempeflott tutorial! Fikk fryktelig lyst å hekle litt nå! Men blir det ikke fryktelig mange trådender å feste?? eller hekler du dem inn etterhvert?
SvarSlettTakk for toppen tutorial, jeg er nesten ferdig med mitt første bestemorrutehekleteppe!
SvarSlettThanks for the tutorial! I love seeing pictures along with instructions because I am a beginner and I'm still learning how to read crochet lingo. I've been wanting to learn how to do these granny squares. Thanks again!
SvarSlettTusen, tusen takk for at du deler, nå er jeg igang med mitt eget teppe. Har nettopp begynt og linket til deg på bloggen min
Kjempeflott forklaring på sammenhekling! Tusen takk! Kanskje jeg klarer å få montert mitt lappeteppe tilslutt!!
SvarSlettåh, perfekt! jeg har lurt på hvordan jeg skal hekle rutene sammen en stund. dette blir jo så mye finere enn å sy dem sammen. tusen takk!!
SvarSlettSå fine lapper! Sånne må jeg prøve meg på!
SvarSlettVeldig kjekt med god forklaring;-)
Ha en fin dag!
men har ikke satt deg opp som oppskrift. Den et litt mangelfull for å bli godkjent som det. Jeg skjønte ikke helt oppskriften i monteringen (lm heklast saman med firkanten til høgre, 3. lm heklast saman med firkanten over). Hva menes med hekles sammen? Skal jeg ta kroken ut av masken og putte kroken inn i hjørnet på firkanten den skal monteres sammen med?? Ikke så viktig nå, jeg fant en annen oppskrift, men det ble ikke like fint som din, da :o)
SvarSlettJeg er hekleamatør, så det er sikkert bare jeg som er treg
Ha en fin kveld videre!
Ferdig :o) Takk for hjelpen!
SvarSlettBle veldig inspirert av dette teppet ditt.. Blogget om det og lånte et bilde. Håper det er i orden. (linket til deg,da.. :))
Hilsen fra
Tak - super flot blok, du har. Super billeder - og beskrivelser. Jeg er straks inspireret - må akut finde garn frem... :-)
superbe ton blog. Dommage qu'il y a la frontière de la langue
SvarSlettmerci pour les explications .Christine d'Arles (13)
SvarSlettDet var dog en vidunderlig farverig,- hækle, du har. Har straks meldt mig som fast læser.
SvarSlettHav en dejlig fredag - Camilla
Gracias por el tutorial
SvarSlettGreat! I'm still searching for this a while.
SvarSlettTomorrow I'll buy cotton wool en then I'll starting again croching (-hoping it is like riding on a bike..ones you learn it and you'll never forget..25 years later...-)
Thanks a lot!
Greetings from Amsterdam
been a lot of time looking for those explanations. I wanted to know how to join granny squares without sewing them together. I almost get it on my own but those and the tutorial are the best instructions i have found till this moment. Thank you. You make me write the first comment of mi life. will let you know if i at last can finish project. kisses
SvarSlettfantastic work just love it, have tried out a few of these and I can get the first three rounds done and the fourth but do not know how to start to join them. Do i begin with a square and a circle or two squares and a circle, am confused
SvarSlettStart by making one square. Then join a new circle to that square.
SvarSlettJeg er amatør og må ha ting inn med teskje. Hekler du rundt den første ruta/rundingen først før du begynner å hekle sammen?
SlettDu heklar første rute heilt ferdig (med kvit kant). Når du heklar 4. runde på neste rute heklar du saman med den første ruta.
SlettThanks a lot for your great tutorial.
SvarSlettI've started to crochet flowers - now I know what to make with my leftovers (as soon as I'll have more free time...).
Greetings from Switzerland
Yeah!! Thank you so much for a lovely tutorial! I am beginning crochet and love learning any new way to add colour to my life!! Loving this and trying it as this very moment. Please forgive the novice, but just wondering about the 4th round where it says "1tr"; did you mean us double like before? Or is it a bigger stitch? I'll just try and see where I go... Thanks again for showing this :-D
Uhh... I love your blanket! Just like the one my Grandma used to have.
SvarSlettWell, my blanket is so far from being finished... 9 out of 160 (?) squares ready yet...
Greetings from Germany,
I LOVE THIS. I don't think I could ever make it though, do you sell any?
SvarSlettNo, i don't have any to sell. I've only made one of these and am not planning on making more right now. Too many other projects on my hands :)
SvarSlettBut you should try making one. It is not difficult, really.
very lovely! I'd love it if you'd drop by my international blog linking party Sunday thru Thurs and share this or any other projects. I haven't had any crafters from Norway for awhile, and I'd love to see you!
SvarSlettThanks so much for linking to this, great to have you at the party!
SvarSlettMuchas gracias. Una imagen vale por cien palabras
SvarSlettOh wow, oh wow, oh wow. This is beyond lovely! Thank you for sharing the pattern!
SvarSlettC'est tellement joli !
SvarSlettIt is so lovely !
Merci beaucoup (de Paris, France)
Thank you very much (from Paris, France)
Greetings from England! Your crochet is stunning!
SvarSlettHeather x
holaaaaaaaaaa desde españa!!
SvarSlettme enamorado de tu manta, he empezdo a experimentar con el tutorial , pero no soy muy experta, hay algun grafico para poder verla ??
This is great. I'm a beginner and am using your pattern to make a cover for my bed. :)
SvarSlettThanks for the great tutorial
Very pretty!.. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial, and I look forward to visiting again! ~tina
SvarSlettThis looks great and yummy! It made me want to go back to crocheting. One question. How big is the blanket supposed to be? And what size of the crochet hook would I need?
SvarSlettI used 4 mm crochet for this. You could make it as big as you want. My blanket is 110 x 150 cm, big enough for an after dinner nap on the sofa...
SvarSlettI'm having a bit of difficulty understanding the instructions. I haven't crocheted for so long plus the terminology is completely foreign to me since I used to crochet in Russia. Anyway, can you please explain to me how to read the 1st round?
SvarSlettYour blanket is wonderful!!!!
SvarSletthank you very much!!! And congratulations for your work :)
SvarSlettNot only is it great when we find patterns we enjoy but to share then give a tutorial is extra wonderful. My sincere thanks go out to you for your thoughtfulness.
SvarSlettThank you so much for the very clear instructions. I'd started the similar circle-in-a-square when I found your pattern, and in the end I made a hybrid circle-flowers in the square-snow motif:)! I used it for a quick project, but I'm in love with the way your blanket looks, and will have to make one myself soon.
SvarSlettI love this blanket!... and I want to make one :) How many skeins of sport weight white yarn did you need?
SvarSlettThank you for sharing your pattern
I never really counted how many balls of white I used - had to buy more in the process.
SvarSlettBut I've figured out that maybe (with the edging) half of the yarn I used was white. Then I have used 600 grams of the white yarn. My blanket has 192 squares.
Thank you! I'm going to work on this in my crochet group..thanks for sharing, it's very beautiful
SvarSlettFlott teppe!
Hvordan blir det med mindre heklenål?har du prøvd det?
Love this blanket!!! I just started making it today and I have already fallen in love with it. I posted a link to your page on my blog, I hope you don't mind...I just wanted to share it!! Thanks so much for the tutorials, it really makes a difference :]
SvarSlettjeg kom over bloggen din for en del måneder siden og sendte umiddelbart linken til mamma, jeg kan nemlig ikke hekle selv. Og nå fikk jeg verdens beste julegave! Tusen takk for flott inspirasjon og oppskrift!!
Jeg blogget nettopp om det og la ved link til oppskriften/bloggen din:
Riktig godt nytt år!
mange mange tak for den gode vejledning! jeg er netop gået igang med dette, men jeg har lige et spørgsmål. Hvordan får du dit tæppe til at blive så pænt og fladt ? jeg synes mit bliver så buet (ligesom den første firkant du har vist her).
SvarSlettJeg er ny udi hækling, så jeg er ikke helt med på hvordan man gør det helt fladt ;)
tak !:)
(bare sig hvis jeg skal skrive det på engelsk i stedet)
Hvis du gjer som i oppskrifta skal det bli flatt etterkvart. Firkantane vil strekke på hverdanre. Eg damper mitt teppe til slutt (med strykejern og vått klede). Det hjelper også. Håper du forstår :)
SvarSlettThank you so much for this fabulous tutorial. I love granny squares, never made any but I dream of a granny squares blanket! Thanks again ☺
SvarSlettHej, det här är en så underbar filt! Hur många färger använder du vanligtvis när du gör mormorsrutsprojekt?
SvarSlettFaktisk ca 30. Men mange er då ganske like. Eg bruker å kjøpe garn i fargar eg likar, gjerne i forskjellige merker.
SvarSlettTak for opskriften, det skal jeg helt sikkert i gang med! :)
SvarSlettWow, that's beautiful! Makes me wish I knew how to crochet better! I'm a much better knitter!
SvarSlettNydelig teppe!
SvarSlettTakk for god inspirasjon. Jeg har heklet et oldemorteppe, men din sammehekling. Når du helker sirkel i kvadrat, hvor gjør du av endene underveis? Syr du dem fast eller hekler du de inn noe sted? Solveig Iversen
SvarSlettEg syr inn endane etterkvart. Eg synest ikkje det blir fint å hekle dei inn når mønsteret har hopp slik som det er i sirklane. Passar også på å ta nokre runder med trådfesting undervegs i heklinga, slik at det ikkje er 10 000 endar å feste til slutt...
SvarSlettThis makes me want to learn crochet! Thank you for this wonderful post and tutorial!
SvarSlettGracias por el tutorial, intentaré hacerla en miniatura!
SvarSlettUn abrazo
Hi there!
SvarSlettJust wanted to let you know I posted about this tutorial on my blog today - I saw it a few days ago on another blog and thought it was so pretty! I am going to use this tutorial this summer as my summer project. Thank you!
Hei! Bruker du staver eller fastmasker når du lager borden rundt? Og hvor mye legger du ut i hjørnene?
SvarSlettEg brukar begge deler. Det er ein link til forklaring på boren min på slutten av innlegget over.
SvarSlettHello! I'm putting your wonderful tutorial to good use ... and just posted about my progress today.
hej igen. Jeg har lige et spørgsmål igen.
SvarSlettHækler du en række af gangen ? hvor du så bare gør det i hjørnene som du viser i første hjørne ?
Hvordan starter du så næste runde ? jeg er lidt i tvivl om hvordan hjørnene gøres ordentligt, jeg synes slet ikke mit det ligner dit ? :)
This is so beautiful! Such an inspiration - I've ordered the yarn and can't wait to start!
SvarSlettdin taket er fantastisk
hilsener Crissi
Thak you for the explanations, I'm going to try it !
SvarSlettHola saludos desde Chile
SvarSlettGRACIAS el tutorial es buenisimo
Felicitaciones por tu trabajo es hermoso
Hei, Solveig! For et flott teppe! Og så fint med beskrivelsen din. Jeg har lagd et lite til et nyfødt barnebarn + et stort, og går nok i gang med enda ett om ei stund, tenker jeg. Fant fram til bloggen din via en fransk blogg som jeg følger jevnlig:). Du skal ikke på Strikk i ørska, vel...? Starter neste torsdag på Ørskog fjellstove. Ha en fin dag!
SvarSlettThank you thank you thank you! I found this almost identical blanket here:
and first WANTED it, then realized HEY I can make that! but would have had to make it up. Thank you for this! It's in my ravelry for my next project - I'm so excited!! (did I mention I'm excited? :) -Erin
Hej. Jeg skal igang med dette smukke tæppe, og linker lige på min blog. Håber det er greit:)
SvarSlettGlæder mig til at komme igang. Men er hækle-nybegynder, så det kommer nok til at tage lidt tid... Men godt med et vinterprojekt!
Kh Sarah
Muy hermoso trabajo, gracias por la explicaciones, desde Buenos Aires, Argentina; saludos de: Irene
SvarSlettthank you for your's so usefull.
SvarSlettLovely! I made a pretty garland with a similar square. I loved the way you join the squares.
SvarSlettdo you know of anyone who has a video tutorial for the round 4 join as you go that you have done above.
SvarSlettthank you :o)
Thank you for such clear pictures and instructions. I just learned crocheting, and was able to make these circles easily. I am working on the afghan, and it will be my first official crocheted project!
SvarSlettKjempefint pledd! Har brukt oppskriften din nå,elsker den! har lagd to pledd og blir nok mange flere etterhvert!
SvarSlettThank you for this... I had to pin (on pinterest) your tutorial because I didn't want to forget where I had found what I would like to be my next project. I hope you don't mind.
SvarSlettFor et nydelig teppe Solveig! :D Det klør i fingrene etter å prøve ut oppskriften din! :)
SvarSlettthanks again for the tutorial i have started one here
SvarSlettif you want to take a look :o)
Hej! Jag vill tacka för det fina mönstret och den bra beskrivningen du delar med dig av. Tack! Med vänliga hälsningar från Sverige /
SvarSlettNydelig teppe, og takk for at du deler oppskrift!
Eg har eit spm. korleis får du så tydelige stjerner mellom rutene?
Der du hekler rutene inn i kvarandre, stramer du ekstra der, eller held du same fastheten over alt?
Stjernene kom automatisk når eg hekla rutene saman. Ekstra bonus! Eg heklar med ca samme fastheit heile vegen, passar berre på at ikkje løkkene vert altfor store i hjørna.
SvarSlettYour tutorial is absolutely fabulous - thank you very much. I have made five squares today!
SvarSlettI adore your blanket, it's sp pretty. I also love your granny shawl - that's on my to make list too!
Greetings from England :-)
Thanks so much! I'm a beginner, but your instructions are very clear and easy to follow. I've been doing really well with the circles, and am excited to finish my blanket.
SvarSlettA great website with nice ideas.I like it.Thanks
SvarSlettPlease visit:
Best regards
superbe tuto
SvarSlettmerci beaucoup
merci pour le tutoriel , je vais essayer ! j'adore ce que vous faites ! bonjour de france
SvarSlettThank you for a wonderful pattern! It's very easy to understand both visually (thanks to your great photos) and in writing. I really appreciate your generosity in sharing it.
SvarSlettThis is absolutely beautiful! I think this is going to be my next big project for our home once I finish all my current gifts. :~)
SvarSlettVirkelig flot! Jeg er begynt at lave en af islandske uldrester. Haaber det lykkes hos mig.
SvarSlettHilsen fra Island.
Amazing !
SvarSlettCan you telle me what type of whool you used to make this beatiful covert (the size of the wires) ?
Thanks !
I used DK / Sport weight yarn and 4 mm hook. My squares measures 8.5 cm.
SvarSlettSee more details on the blanket's Ravelry page or the post about the finished blanket.
Wow there are LOTS of comments, I had to scroll down and down! It is a beautiful pattern, thanks so much for sharing and for the effort in preparing the visual tutorial; it makes it SO much easier. I have linked to this on my blog for a granny a day project that I am doing, I hope that was ok.
SvarSlettJo :)
This is my first blanket and I LOVE the pattern. I spent a while researching and when I found this one, I knew it was it :) Since I haven't done this before, I'm curious about the finishing part. Do you block each square separately and then attach them or do you block the entire blanket when it's done? Thanks!
SvarSlettI do not block each square separately. When the hole blanket is done I use a wet cloth and my iron to press out any bumps etc.
SvarSlettCon tu permiso voy a copiar la idea. Es súper linda esta manta... y el paso a paso está clarísimo...
Wow, hope there's room for me at the bottom on here!!!
SvarSlettWhat a wonderful pattern, thank you sooooo much for translating into English.
Its a wonderfully fast pattern and quite economical with the yarn. I'm 11 squares into my current project but will make this next and blog link back to you - you are a VERY kind person and I wish you every success!
This is such a wonderful blanket, I'd love to be able to make it! I'm a little confused about the first round though when it comes to making the flowers, do you think you could phrase it differently? I'm not sure what you mean by 4ch (=1dc,1ch), 1dc + 1ch 11 times. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 dc. First of all, how is 4 chain (=1dc, 1ch)? And do you then alternate that with the 1dc +1ch or do you just carry on that way? Sorry if I'm not clear :/ I'm a beginner and I'm still figuring things out! Any advice would be fantastic, I'd love to make this!
SvarSlettHello Emma! I'll try to explain it better to you. :)
SvarSlettThe point of the first round is to make 12 dc with 1 ch spaces in between. But since you are starting at the bottom, the first dc will have to be 3 ch (to get up to the height of the other dc you will be making. Add to the 3 ch the 1 ch space - and you have 4 ch = 1dc+1ch. The rest of the round you'll only make 1dc + 1ch.
Is that clearer?
Hi Solveig! Ahh! I think so! So to begin with it's 3 ch into the space, *then* 1dc + 1ch and carry on from there? Is that right?
SvarSlettOk, just an update - I *totally* get what you mean now! I don't know how I couldn't see it before. 4 chain stitches into the space is the same as 1dc+1ch to start with, then after you've got that you can carry on with the 1dc+1ch as you now have the height. I tried it some other way before I realised this and it came out looking a bit wonky, but after I tried it the way you meant it it came out great! I now have one perfect circle and one wonky one :P
SvarSlettThanks Solveig, for both your help and for this beautiful pattern! I can't wait to see how my blanket turns out :)
Thanks very much (from Canada) for sharing this. I recently learned how to crochet, just to make this lovely blanket! Your instructions are very clear, and easy to follow. I'm almost halfway done the 4th round, and I love how it's turning out.
SvarSlettThank you so much for sharing your beautiful Circles in a Square pattern. Your finished blanket is so beautiful and I love the name: "Flowers in the Snow"! I found your lovely blog thanks to Jacquie at Bunny Mummy.
SvarSlettYou explain the different stitches so well and the photos help enormously!
Have a beautiful day! Sandra from Switzerland
Tusen tack för din fantastiska beskrivning och vackra bilder!
SvarSlettHello there, I found your site through bunny mummy. I love what i see here. I am going to try this pattern out. I am going to be your brand new follower from the USA..woohoo so nice to meet ya hun....oh my name is Akhila by the way over at thecraftyhomeschoolmom-beginner crochet love to learn and learn things pretty fast. Still working on patterns but i have faith i'll get there.
SvarSletthola quería felicitarla por todo su trabajo ,me parece excepcional y de un gusto exquisito y muy en especial esta bella manta es divina mil gracias por enseñarnos como hacerla un gran saludo desde españa
SvarSlettWow, det var eit fantastisk teppe!
SvarSlettHello from cheltenham england, this blanket is stunning! had started one blanket for my bed but have now seen this so the original will now become a cushion and this will be started (one square already done). Thankyou for sharing, Kyra x
SvarSlettTusen tack igen för din fina beskrivning. Här kan du se hur fin min babyfilt blev med din beskrivning:
Ha en underbar sommar!
what weight yarn did you use?
SvarSlettI used DK / Sport weight yarn and 4 mm hook. My squares measures 8.5 cm.
Slettwhat a beautiful blanket!!
SvarSlettYour blanket is really adorable!! The circles are fast and easy to make and turn out so great. I just made some of the Sunburst Granny Hearts Bunny Mummy made based on this pattern. Thanks for sharing!
SvarSlettWhat a beautiful pattern! Thanks so much for sharing it. I've got all my circles done and am now crocheting the 4th round and attaching the squares together as I go. I got the first two done, but for the third do I cut the yarn to start the third or how do I go from one square to the next otherwise?
SvarSlettYou will have to cut the yarn to start on the next square.
SvarSlettYou will have to cut the yarn to start on the next square.
SvarSlettYou will have to cut the yarn to start on the next square.
SvarSlettTusen takk for flott beskrivelse.
SvarSlettHar linket til deg her:
Fortsatt flott heklesommer:-)
Your blanket is beautiful and your pattern instructions are easy to understand. Thank you for sharing.
SvarSlettThank you Solveig! I've got 65 crocheted together so far. This is such a fun project.
SvarSlettMeget flot og jeg tror sørme jeg kan forstå teknikken......det må prøves Tak :)
SvarSlettHi Solveig. I love this blanket but am quite inexperienced. I have made all of the circles, but just can't join the circles like you do.I hope you don't mind, but I have copied out the section I don't understand here:
SvarSlettStart in a corner. Crochet 2 dst, 1 ch, 2nd ch through hjørnebua on the previous square, crochet 3 lm normal.
Start in a corner. Crochet 2tr, 1ch,next ch through the corner of the other square, 1ch, 2tr. (The first corner is done)
Do I start this in the first original square, or in the circle I am joining?
Many thanks from Liverpool!
Hi Liverpool!
SlettI'll try to help you :) First: Do not pay attention to the first two lines of the text you copied. [Start in a corner. Crochet 2 dst, 1 ch, 2nd ch through hjørnebua on the previous square, crochet 3 lm normal.] - That's Google's attemt at translating my Norwegian text, and they don't do it well.
Just use the English translation I've written :)
When all your circles are ready, you start by making a square of the first circle. Then you start on a new circle. You will allways start a new square in a new circle.
"Start in a corner" - you'll make a corner first,
"Crochet 2tr," - The first tr wil be 4ch (as in the first square)
etc. etc...
I hope this made it a little clearer for you.
Greetings from Norway!
You're so lovely - thank you!
SvarSlettHi Solveig,
SvarSlettIs this bit in the new circle I am joining or in the first 'square' I have done?
"Start in a corner" - you'll make a corner first,
"Crochet 2tr," - The first tr wil be 4ch (as in the first square)
etc. etc...
I am not sure how to join the circle and the square together in the chain spaces on the circle?
Thanks agian,
Liverpool Lynn
You will start in a new circle, making one of the corner first and joining it to a corner of the square. You join by putting your hook through the chain space of the square before making the ch. (look at the photos.)
SlettHi Solveig! I'm really happy with your great Sunburst pattern. Thanks again! I've just made some bookmarks based on it. If you like to have a look:
Hei Solveig. Jeg er en helt fersk nybegynner når det kommer til hekling, og jeg har nylig fullført min 13. bestemorrute av den vanlige sorten. I går skulle jeg se om jeg kunne finne tips om sammenhekling av lapper, og endte opp i bloggen din - hvor jeg fant denne oppskriften. Jeg ble superentusiastisk, og vips ble min 14. rute til. Jeg syns disse rutene var helt utrolig søte, og jeg elsker måten de er satt sammen på, hvordan "hjørnene" danner stjerner. Tusen, tusen takk for en lettfattelig og enkel oppskrift! :)
SvarSlettVil du se resultatet, så finner du min første rute etter din oppskrift her: :)
Ha en kjempefin dag videre, og tusen takk igjen!
Thank you so much for this pattern. Only one i found that i can actually follow and it turns out well. Have done 6 circles so far and on a roll!
SvarSlettHello! Thanks for the great pattern. My question is - when you're doing the final joining round, do you attach each square at a time then cut the wool or can you join them all together in one go? If so, how? I don't know how to tie all the ends in (I've been adding a square, cutting, then adding another, etc) Thanks!
SvarSlettYou'll have to attach one square at the time. Unfortunately there is no way to them in one go...
SlettHello.... Many thanks for this pattern... I've just finished my blanket... And I'm very proud because it was a long long way to see the end :-)) ... 140 squares...
SvarSlettAnd of course, now I'm one of your followers on Pinterest... And I'm dreaming :-)))
Best greetings
Corinne from Switzerland
Hello Solveig, Thank you so much for your tutorial and generously sharing your pattern.You inspired me to make this blanket. I have 120 circles. I see you have 192!! how big is your blanket?
SvarSlettI need to know this before deciding if 120 is going to be enough for a single bed blanket.
kind regards from The Netherlands
My blanket measures 110 x 150 cm.
SlettHappy crocheting!
wonderful, thanks for sharing!!
SvarSlettThis is simply breathtaking. The quiet simplicity of the design coupled with the vibrant bursts of color make this beauty nothing less than Magnificent. Bravo!
SvarSlettI would love to make this myself, but I don't have a computer in my craft room (I'd never get anything done). Would you mind if I print the photos and commentary strictly for a guide and reference sake as I work?
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Hi there. Greetings from Ireland. I really love this pattern. Thank you so much for sharing it. well done on the great translation. I wish I knew a few words in Norwegian to say "Thank you"
SvarSlettWarm regards. Dee
Thank you, Dee.
SlettOr "takk" as vi say in Norwegian :)
Hi ! My name is Rosa, and I write from France ! Congratulations for your blog ! May be can you help me : I want to know how many balls of wool it is necessary to do your blanket ? I read that your square do 8,5 cm, your blanket 110 x 150 cm, but I have not found for the wool !
SvarSlettPersonnaly I would like to make one 240 x 240 cm.
Thank you very much for your answer !
With all my friendship !
Takk og farvel !!! thank you google... but is it right ? :)
I have used ca 1300 grams yarn in this blanket. About half in white.
SlettDear Solveig, thank you so much for your answer ! Very cordially !
Hej Solveig! Söndagsledig, satt och sökte på mormorsrutor och fick se dina! Åh, så jättefina - verkligen ett konstverk! Vilket garn används till detta?
Katarina Hammer-Lindmark
Eg har stort sett brukt ullgarn som passar til 3,5 mm pinnar. (50 gr = 100 m, strikkefastheit 10 cm = 22-23 masker)
SlettRestegarn og nye nøster...
This is really good of you to share. You've inspired me to try this project. As a newbie to crocheting I am finding it addictive and really appreciate your generosity in helping in this way. Many thanks.
SvarSlettGreetings from Virginia Beach, VA USA......Your tutorial, instructions and pictures are clear!! You are most kind to share them with us. Many thanks and have a happy holiday season! Jackie
SvarSlettSuper these photo's you made to explain how you made these wonderful blanket.
SvarSlettI <3 Granny Squares. and you make it so clear. going to make hearts. For my Grandbabies. ;)
SvarSlettThank Y <3 u Soooo Much. xx Nana Vickie
Molto bella semplice e colorata.
SvarSlettAnche io voglio fare una coperta così
grazie per le spiegazioni.
Sei molto brava. Ciao dqa Nancy
i love this! i went out and got the yarn so i can start making this this weekend! thank you so much for sharing!
SvarSletttales from ...
Very cheerful blanket - thank you for the great picture tutorial!
SvarSlettHello! I followed your tutorial to crochet my first circle, so thank you! I'm a little confused on the 4th round though. I understand the 2tr, 3ch, 2tr for the corners, but I'm not sure about the 2dc, 1ch, 2dc for the sides. I've done it, but it seems like there are too many stitches for that width. The edge of my square is rippled instead of straight. Is that correct? Or should it just be 2dc in each space, and 1ch between them?
SvarSlettI know this is an old post, but it would be awesome if you could help!
The (2dc, 1ch, 2dc) go in the same 1ch-space from round three. You can see it in the photos.
SlettAnd the edge will have a slight ripple.That evens out eventually.
Thank you so much for replying! I've finished my first practice square! Would love for you to take a look and let me know what you think if you have time! Thank you again so much for the tutorial and for the help! =)
Hello my name is Esther and I'm from Spain.
SvarSlettBrowsing found your blog and I loved this blanket. I've started this week ... try upload my progress on my blog.
Congratulations on your blog
forgive my English I used google translator ....
Hallo name is Julia from Indonesia.
SvarSlettI'm very happy when find this blog... your tutorial very clear and very awesome. I try to make these for my blanket :D
Hope to see another from you
thankyou sooo much
SvarSlettI love your blog, and you have inspired me to make my own sunburst blanket, I am still working on the circles, I have a looong way to go. Just a quick question, what size hook did you use?
Many thanks
I used 4 mm hook and DK/sport weight yarn.
SvarSlettHello Solveig,
SvarSlettThank you for sharing the pattern and the lovely tuto. While on holiday in rainy Provence I just give it a try with some yarn I brought with me just in case, and I love the sweet little square.
Hello Solveig,
SvarSlettI am really, really struggling with the instructions for the fourth round, join along. Do you join two squares at a time, then join the next? I just can't seem to understand how to do it :( Please help me :)
You will join a new square to the ones you have allready joined. The easiest way to join them is to first join a row of squares as wide as your blanket shall be.
SlettThen you start joining squares to the second row etc...
muchas gracias por ayudarnos hacer esta belleza es usted muy amable soy seguidora suya entiendo sus palabras gracias al goggle espero qeucuando tengo la manta hecha se la pueda enseñar un saludo de paqui desde españa
SvarSlettTusen takk for fantastisk oppskrift! Heklet dette som et babyteppe. Storkoste meg. Ønsker deg en fantastisk sommer! :)
SvarSlettTack för det fina mönstret,jättebra ide.
oh la la !!! que c'est joli!
SvarSlettThanks very much to have shared this wonderful blanket
SvarSlettHej! This is such a great pattern. Thank you so much for sharinge it for free. I used it and got a wonderful baby blanket. You can see it here:
Greetings from Germany! Kathi
Love this beautiful work takk for sharing, have this on my wish list to do.
SvarSlettThanks again Breda from Ireland
Hi! I finished my first granny square blanket and adapted your pattern for a circle in a square for my feature squares. I'm so proud of the final product! Thank you so much for sharing your pattern!
SvarSlettThank you so much for sharing your blanket pattern is absolutely stunning and will be the first project of my new years resolution .. crochet revisited!
SvarSlettWow, beautiful! Tried to make it, I did tr= triple crochet? I guess so. Tnx for sharing!
SvarSletthi....even i have gone through the tutorial many times i am still not getting once the squares are done how to join them exactly. Thanks for posting such a wonderful tutorial and i have even started making it...but little bit confused or not clear with the finishing part.
SvarSlettWhich part is still confusing for you?
SvarSletttrès beau travail et ce pas à pas est très réussi bravo c' est superbe a bientôt sur nos blogs
SvarSlettJeg forstår heller ikke sammenheklingen din?
SvarSlettSyntes det blir så mye finere enn å sy det sammen:)
Is pattern available in English? This is gorgeous.
SvarSlettIt is translated to English in this post... And you'll find a link to the all English pattern on line 5 :)
Slettthank you for the pattern! :D
SvarSlettHello, I love this pattern and I'm making my third for a third grand child. Just one question. When joining the circles do I do one double crochet into the space on the other one and between the trebles or into the chain itself? Thank you.
SvarSlettHello, I love this pattern and I'm making my third for a third grand child. Just one question. When joining the circles do I do one double crochet into the space on the other one and between the trebles or into the chain itself? Thank you.
SvarSlettthanks !! :D
SvarSlettI made blanket with the help from your gorgeous post
SvarSlettI made blanket with help from your gorgeous post
thanks !
SvarSlettI made blanket with help from you gorgeous post
You are so creative. Thank you for sharing your delightful works. Irene H. Chesnutt