Laga ei pute som bryllupsgåve i no mai. Eg ville bruke mange fargar, men ville samstundes lage den litt roleg. Så då vart det samme farge på runde ein og tre. Tenkte grått var passa nøytralt til innramming.
Mønsteret er Sunburst – og eg hekla alt saman i runde fire. (Demonstrasjon av metoden her)
Baksida er etter samme mal som dei siste putene mine.
Dei to delane er hekla saman med fastmasker, og til slutt er det ei runde med krabbemasker.
A wedding gift cushion made in May. I used Sunburst-squares, and CJAYG.
What a beautiful cushion, I really like it.
How beautiful! Inspiring me to pick up my crochet hook. Thanks for posting!
SvarSlettIt's a lovely cushion and I love the colours you have chosen Solve it :-)
SvarSlettTracey xxx
Solveig, you've created a truly lovely wedding gift. As always, your crocheting is perfection, and the colors you chose have a very subtle and beautiful harmony. The "circle into square" pattern suits these colors so very well.
SvarSlettI always use the google translate function to translate your Norwegian into English, and as you'd expect, sometimes the results are amusing. Towards the end of this post, I see a reference to a "crab" stitch...and wonder what that might be. Perhaps you can let me know more about this particular crab? xo
Yes, I know google translation will give you amusing text sometimes :) Especially since google has not learned my kind of Norwegian yet (we have two standards of written Norwegian, I write the not most common one).
SlettBut crab stitch is actually a term in English too. It is a nice stitch to finish off edges. See here:
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettThis is beautiful! A really striking combination.
SvarSlettKjempefin pute!