Eldste tantebarn vart konfirmert forrige helg. Vi drog på langtur for å feire henne. Og sidan forrige helg starta med snøkave, blei det ein ein litt ruskete start på turen (men vi hadde vinterdekk, så det gjekk bra).
Eg har liksom hatt planar om at tantebarna skal få noko heimelaga til gåve, eit slags teppe. Denne gongen blei det eit sengeteppe.
Eg var litt redd for at eg starta produksjonen litt for seint, men heldigvis hadde vi fri 1. mai… Det vart den store sydagen.
Lukkekanten, som må syast for hand på baksida, sydde eg i bilen på veg ned og siste kvelden…
Eg bestilte nokre nye stoff (frå utlandet), resten fann eg i lageret mitt. Neste gong bør eg hugse på at slike tepper også har ei bakside… Eg hadde ikkje store nok stoffbitar til å fylle baksida, så det vart mange lappar der også…
It was my oldest niece's confirmation last weekend. It was a 12 hour road trip to get there…
I had planned to give something handmade, and I decided to make a quilt for her bed. I used fabric from my stash and some new that I ordered. Next time I must remember that the quilt has a backpiece when I order farbric. I forgot that this time, so I didn't have large enough pieces of fabric to go on the back. So I had to patch together pieces of what I had here.
I'm quite happy with the end result.
SvarSlettNydelege fargar du har brukt Solveig, og baksida vart kjempefin! Bra du vart ferdig i tide då:-)
SvarSlettSolveig, how odd to still have snow in springtime, but how fortunate you were to have those snow tires ready for the journey. You made me smile as you described doing the final stitching on the lovely quilt as you rode along in the car.
SvarSlettI have had some similar last minute finishes of gifts over the years and know how great it is to complete the item just in time!
It's a lovely gift, and I like the idea of having the back also patchwork-ed. xo